Beat Monday blues by whipping up these 3 irresistible meat and seafood recipes

ByZarafshan Shiraz, New Delhi

Seasoned and spiced mutton mince wrapped around metal skewers and cooked on charcoal fire or prawns with shell is pan sauteed with garlic, olives and parsley is all we need to dive into a gastronomic adventure and drive away our Monday blues. So, whether you have guests or are home alone after a tiring day at work, turn Monday into a culinary celebration with some delectable but easy meat and seafood recipes of Chicken Cordon Bleu, Pan Seared Lamb Chops and Butter Garlic Prawns.

Beat Monday blues by whipping up these 3 irresistible meat and seafood recipes at home (Photo by Farhad Ibrahimzade on Unsplash)

  1. Chicken Cordon Bleu (serves 2)

“Cordon Bleu” means “blue ribbon” in French, symbolizing culinary excellence. This dish, typically breaded and pan-fried meat wrapped around cheese, has contemporary baked variations. Components include breadcrumbs, gammon, Swiss cheese, and chicken, topped with a rich cream sauce with a hint of Dijon mustard.

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  • Chicken Breast – 320g. (2 numbers)
  • Sliced Emmental Cheese – 60gm
  • Sliced Cooked Ham- 60gms
  • Oil – for frying


  • Dijon Mustard – 4gms
  • Salt- 2gm
  • Pepper- 2gm
  • Oil- 20ml


  • Panko Bread Crumbs – 200gms
  • Eggs – 2
  • Refined Flour- 45gms

Mash Potatoes:

  • Boiled mash Potatoes- 250gms
  • Butter- 15gms
  • Cream- 40 gms
  • Salt – 1gm


  • Fresh Cream – 50gms
  • Garlic – 2gms
  • Dijon Mustard – 2gms
  • Butter – 15gms
  • Thyme – 1gm
  • Salt – 1gm
  • Parmesan grated – 15gms


  • Begin by cutting the chicken breast into two halves lengthwise, resembling a book. Place it between parchment paper and flatten it using a meat hammer
  • Next, marinate the chicken with Dijon mustard, salt, pepper, and oil
  • Open the chicken breast and layer it with a slice of cooked ham and Emmental cheese. Roll the chicken into a Swiss roll-like shape, ensuring the layers of chicken, ham, and cheese are visible. Secure it with a toothpick
  • Prepare three bowls: one with beaten eggs, another with flour, and the third with Panko breadcrumbs. Take the marinated chicken, coat it in flour, dip it in the egg, and then cover it thoroughly with breadcrumbs
  • Heat oil in a frying pan and deep fry the breaded chicken until it achieves a golden brown color till the chicken is cooked through
  • In a small non-stick pan, melt butter, add mashed potatoes, and mix until smooth. Add in cream and mix well. The mashed potatoes reach a creamy texture
  • For the sauce: Melt butter in a small saucepan, sauté garlic until golden brown, then add thyme and saute well. Pour in cream and Dijon mustard, stir for a minute, turn off the heat, and mix in Parmesan cheese until melted
  • To serve, spread a spoonful of mashed potatoes on a plate, slice the fried chicken, and arrange it atop the potatoes. Drizzle the Dijon mustard sauce over the chicken

Note: Chicken Cordon Bleu also pairs well with sautéed vegetables or grilled asparagus. Alternatively, the chicken can be baked at 180 degrees Celsius for 15 minutes instead of frying.

2. Pan Seared Lamb Chops (Serves 2 – 3)

Experience gastronomic bliss with Pan-Seared Lamb Chops. This culinary masterpiece offers a symphony of flavours, textures and aromas that harmonise from sizzle to the first tender bite, creating an unforgettable delight.

Ingredients –

  • Lamb – 500 gms
  • Peeled garlic pods – 20 gms
  • Onions – 100 gms
  • Carrots – 50 gms
  • Leeks – 30 gms
  • Celery – 30 gms
  • Fresh thyme – 2-3 sprigs
  • Fresh rosemary – 1 sprig
  • Water/stock – enough to submerge the lamb chops completely
  • Butter – 50 gms
  • Olive oil – 50 gms
  • Red wine – 90 ml

For Braising:

  • Begin by dicing the onions, carrots, leek, and celery
  • Arrange these vegetables in a deep, oven-safe dish
  • Add olive oil, garlic cloves into the pan and cook in a preheated oven at 220 degrees C. Cook till the vegetables get golden brown in colour
  • Once the vegetables are charred, add the lamb chops, thyme, and rosemary to the dish. Pour in enough stock to completely cover the lamb chops
  • Reduce the oven temperature to 160 degrees Celsius. Cover the dish and cook for approximately 2 hours until the lamb is fully cooked

Sauce Preparation:

  • After the lamb is cooked, remove it from the braising liquid and set it aside
  • Strain the braising liquid into a pan and simmer until it reduces to a sauce-like consistency
  • Meanwhile, heat the oven container and deglaze it with red wine. Add this liquid into the reduction
  • Once the sauce reaches the desired consistency, adjust the seasoning with salt and incorporate cold butter cubes. The blending is the trick to get a nice shine into the sauce

Pan Searing:

  • Heat a heavy-bottomed pan, preferably cast iron, with olive oil and butter
  • Once the pan is hot, sear each lamb chop individually on both sides until they achieve a golden brown color. Season with salt while it cooks.

Note: This dish pairs excellently with roasted or grilled vegetables and a creamy potato mash

3. Butter Garlic Prawns (Serves 1)

Indulge in the world of Butter Garlic Prawns, a celebration of coastal flavours. This dish blends simplicity and sophistication, offering a sensory journey where succulent prawns meet the velvety embrace of butter and aromatic garlic allure.


  • Prawns (40-60) with tail – 160gms
  • Garlic – 15gms
  • Butter – 30gms
  • Chilli Flakes – 2gms
  • Salt – 2gms
  • Crushed Pepper – 1gm
  • Thyme – a pinch
  • Parsley finely chopped – 2gms


  • Heat a non-stick pan, melt the butter and add the garlic. Saute the garlic until cooked
  • Add in the clean prawns and saute it along with garlic, make sure the pan is not too hot for the butter to split
  • Add in the chili flakes, thyme, crushed peppers and saute it for 4 – 5 mins or until the prawns curl up
  • Season the prawns and finish it with chopped parsley
  • Serve butter garlic with a slice of baguette

Note: Butter Garlic Prawns pair seamlessly with a crisp white wine

(Recipes: Chef Joe from Licious)

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