Lift your drooping Monday spirits with sunshine in a glass or Sunshine Cold Brew recipe

Monday calls for a booster drink that is more than just a beverage and is a symphony of flavours to wipe out the draining effect of the first day of the work week and thankfully to our rescue, the coffee landscape has witnessed a delightful evolution with the rise of cold brew coffee where from its carefully selected beans to its meticulous brewing process, Sunshine Cold Brew embodies the essence of coffee culture. If you, like us, are craving a refreshing pick-me-up, let Sunshine Cold Brew be your companion on a journey of indulgence and delight in the world of coffee this Monday evening.

Lift your drooping Monday spirits with sunshine in a glass or Sunshine Cold Brew recipe (Photo by Third Wave Coffee)

Buckle up because we are about to show you how to turn your Monday from drowsy to delightful with this easy-to-make, flavour-packed Sunshine Cold Brew recipe –

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  • 240 ml cold brew coffee (the recipe for the cold brew is provided below)
  • 120 ml orange juice
  • 60 ml pineapple juice
  • 15 ml grenadine syrup (Pomegranate Syrup)
  • Orange slices for garnish
  • Maraschino cherries for garnish
  • Ice cubes


  1. Fill the serving glasses with ice cubes.
  2. In a pitcher or mixing bowl, combine 240 ml of cold brew coffee, 120 ml of orange juice, and 60 ml of pineapple juice. Stir well to mix everything together.
  3. Pour 15 ml of grenadine syrup slowly over the back of a spoon into each glass, allowing it to sink to the bottom and create a gradient effect.
  4. Carefully pour the cold brew coffee mixture over the grenadine layer in each glass.
  5. Garnish each glass with an orange slice and a maraschino cherry.
  6. Serve immediately, allowing guests to stir the drink to mix the layers together, just as they are about to plunge into the drink.
  7. Enjoy your vibrant and refreshing Easter Sunrise Cold Brew Mocktail!

These measurements ensure a balanced and flavourful mocktail that’s perfect for Monday evening celebrations. Adjust the quantities according to your preferences or the number of servings needed.

(Recipe: Ronit Saha, NPD Executive)


Orange juice is an excellent source of Vitamin C which supports our immune system and may be effective in fighting against the common cold. It is nutritious and high in antioxidants and micronutrients like folate, potassium, magnesium, fibre, beta-carotene and flavonoids.

It keeps the skin hydrated and its colourful plant pigments called carotenoids may help maintain a youthful glow apart from boosting hair growth and reducing hair loss. It is rich in vitamins, minerals, fibre and other antioxidants that can help reduce weight.

Pineapples are loaded with nutrients and contain disease-fighting antioxidants along with enzymes that can ease digestion. Their consumption may help reduce the risk of cancer, boost immunity, ease the symptoms of arthritis, suppress inflammation and speed up recovery after a surgery or strenuous exercise.

Pomegranate pearls are ruby-like seeds that can be termed as the “elixir of youth” as it has a host of benefits. It has phytoestrogens that help in the reduction of hot flashes and night sweats during menopause in women. It has anti-oxidants for skin, fiber that helps in reduction of cholesterol and helps regulating insulin levels. It has Vitamin C and Vitamin K to increase immunity.

Pomegranate juice is basically health packed in a glass as it lowers blood pressure, improves cholesterol, cleanses plaque from arteries, promotes good sleep and may be prudent to add to a heart-healthy diet. Its high level of iron content helps increase red blood cells to prevent Anaemia and also aids proper digestion while soothing the tummy during indigestion courtesy its secretion of enzymes.

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