Perfect recipe for irresistible Honey-Garlic Paneer Stir Fry

ByZarafshan Shiraz, New Delhi

Welcome Friday night vibes a few hours earlier and enjoy a restaurant style stir fry recipe that will have you swooning as make honey garlic paneer at home. It is important that the meal you eat before sleep should ensure a healthy digestive system and paneer does not only that but also makes our teeth and bones strong along with aiding weight loss and reducing the risk of breast cancer.

Flavour fusion: Elevate your cooking game with this perfect recipe for irresistible Honey-Garlic Paneer Stir Fry (Yusuf Galabhaiwala)

Since it is also great for those having diabetes, make sure you check out this irresistible recipe of Honey-Garlic Paneer Stir Fry below and enjoy an epicurean delight this weekend that promises a culinary bliss –

250g paneer (cottage cheese), cubed

2 tablespoons honey

1 tablespoon soy sauce

1 tablespoon minced garlic

1/2 tablespoon ginger, grated

1/2 teaspoon red chili flakes

Salt to taste


  1. Heat oil in a pan and add ginger, garlic, and red chili flakes.
  2. Add paneer cubes and stir-fry until lightly browned.
  3. Add honey, soy sauce, and salt.
  4. Stir-fry for a few more minutes until the paneer is coated in the sauce.

(Recipe: Yusuf Galabhaiwala)


Paneer is loaded with the goodness of healthy fats and milk proteins and helps builds a strong immune system which is on everyone’s top priority currently amid the Covid-19 pandemic, aids in the normal functioning of the digestive system and builds better bones and teeth courtesy its rich calcium content. It is not only an essential component in weight loss programs but is also an ideal food for diabetic patients and reduces the risk of cancer.

Honey is one of the most commonly used sweeteners that is often regarded as the more healthy option since it has more nutrients, contains more antioxidants and enzymes and is less processed than sugar.

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