Who are some famous pianists known for their piano transcriptions?

piano transcriptions

Piano transcription is a way for musicians to play music written for other instruments or with orchestral accompaniment on their own. It can be used for all kinds of music, from traditional folk songs to symphonies, operas and ballet scores. It also is common for jazz and other styles that rely on improvisation. Transcriptions can be created for all kinds of musical purposes, including education and for performance.

Throughout history, there have been many famous pianists who were known for their piano transcriptions. One of the most famous examples is Glenn Gould, who often performed piano transcriptions of other composers’ works in addition to his own compositions. Other renowned pianists who have made transcriptions include Franz Liszt, Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli, Rudolf Serkin and Yvonne Loriod.


Sometimes a pianist will make a transcription for a practical reason. For example, Mozart transcribed his own operas so that they could be played on the piano instead of being presented as full-scale performances with orchestra and singers. Similarly, Stravinsky transcribed pieces from his ballets for piano.

Who are some famous pianists known for their piano transcriptions?

Other times a pianist will make a transcription for artistic reasons. For example, a pianist may want to study an earlier piece of music in detail and then perform it with the accompaniment of other instruments to understand how the different parts work together. Or a pianist may just be inspired by a particular melody and want to create his or her own version for piano.

Whatever the motivation, piano transcription can provide an interesting and rewarding way to learn new music. It can also be a fun and challenging exercise for experienced musicians. Creating a piano transcription can be done by hand or with the help of computer software programs. The basic process of a transcription starts with listening to the original piece and then making note of the melodic, harmonic and rhythmic features of the piece. It is important to listen carefully so that the nuances are captured.

There are a lot of piano transcriptions available on CD and digital download. Several of these can be found in the playlist below, although the list is not complete. Some of the pianists featured in this playlist have released other transcriptions on other CDs or digital formats. It is worth exploring the recordings of these pianists to find the ones that best fit your tastes.

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